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Abstract Wave Image, Sculpting the Air, Mike Nevin Concert Percussion Ensemble Music

Sculpting the Air


"Music, in performance, is a type of sculpture. The air in the performance is sculpted into something." - Frank Zappa


As we know, sounds can’t travel in a vacuum. They need air to come to life and reach the listener. When we make music, the sounds produced by our instruments carve the air into “sculptures” for the human ear. I wrote this piece in many shifting moods and styles as only a few examples of the infinite ways the air can be sculpted into music.


“Sculpting the Air” includes 6 vocal samples of quotations from remarkable people throughout history, including Frank Zappa’s,  with each one introducing a new section of music.


Number of Players: 13, Duration: 7:12, Skill Level: Advanced


Score Samples


Click to listen on Soundclound



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